Accommodate and Manage All Fees on Single Platform

Are you tired of using multiple platforms for managing admission fees? Try our product to simply the management!

Admission Fee Management

All-in-one solution to manage all admission fees

Multiple Payment Gateways

Multiple gateways to make payment with advanced options

Integrate Payment

Integrate all finance and fee payment with minimum efforts

Track and Record

Real-time ROI tracking with advanced dashboards for payment

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Update Your Admission Finance Teams by Offering Simplified Solution

Admission time create havoc for your admission finance teams, provide them our product to streamline various fee payment on single platform and help them in attaining work efficiency by simplifying the payment process.


Integrating Multiple Fee Payments

Give you finance team a little rest and put our Education CRM at work to integrate the multiple fee payments and make it easy for them to manage it. No matter what type of admission fee it is, the flexible options will help in bringing them to a single platform for effective management.

  • Easy Payment of Token Fee

    The very first type of fee that a candidate has to pay is the token fee. When you use our Education CRM, students don’t need to visit your institution to pay. They can pay it from anywhere, depending on their comfort level, relieving your finance team from any manual work.

  • Automated Payment Receipts

    Another problem for the finance team is to do manual work for providing the payment receipts. Don’t hold your institution back by relying on bureaucratic techniques, use Education CRM for automatic generation of payment receipts after the payment of fees.

  • Flexible Payment Platform

    Students can now pay the fees according to their course, hostel and other essential accommodations. Your finance teams don’t have to worry about determining the total fees for every single student. So, put our Education CRM on work to provide customized details for fee payment.


Here Are Some Popular Questions Answered!

If you want your finance team to increase their efficiency and increase the management on payments, our Education CRM helps in doing so. During the time of admission, finance team has to face a lot of hassle and it becomes difficult to manage the fee submitted by a large group of students. Hence, using our Education CRM saves your finance team from taking extra load.

You may want to know the benefit of our Education CRM for your potential candidates. We understand that your leads and potential students are important for you. So, we have developed a product which satisfies the need of your leads. It offers them the flexibility to make payment while being at home with all comfort.

Yes, this may not get your much attention, but Education CRM is equally essential for the finance team as it is for any other department. Considering the havoc admission process brings for the finance team, our Education CRM provides a much simplified and fast way to manage the fee payment method.

Most of you may want to know the answer to this question. As admission and registration process involves different types of fees, our Education CRM ensures to help in effective management of all of them. The various fee payments include registration fee, hostel fee, token fee, and other accommodation fees.

If your finance teams want to use our Education CRM effectively, they should have proper knowledge of every tool. Though, it is very easy to learn the basics in minimum time. However, to provide deep knowledge about our product, you can organize workshop in your institutions for different departments, including your finance team.

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